Ecocide: Redefining the Environmental Obligations of Global; Corporations through International Criminal Framework

Research output: Book/ReportBook


Ecocide: Redefining the Environmental Obligations of Global Corporations through an International Criminal Framework In a world increasingly plagued by environmental harm, Ecocide delves into the critical issue of holding global corporations accountable for their environmental crimes. This ground breaking book explores the complex interplay of legal frameworks, corporate criminal liability, and environmental justice, proposing an innovative, legally binding international criminal framework to address the ecological challenges posed by multinational enterprises. With a thorough examination of theoretical underpinnings, judicial interventions, and ongoing initiatives, the book makes a compelling case for the inclusion of ecocide as a recognized international crime. It offers practical recommendations, from strengthening extraterritorial jurisdiction to redefining corporate environmental obligations, providing a roadmap for combating environmental harm and ensuring justice for affected communities.
Original languageEnglish
Place of PublicationLondon, UK
PublisherLAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing
Number of pages152
ISBN (Print)9786208417499, 620841749X
Publication statusPublished - 19 Dec 2024


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