Efficacy of Integrated Straw Formulations on Lowland Rice Field Organic Carbon and Greenhouse Gas Emissions Using CCAFS-MOT Model in Niger State, Nigeria

Yawovi Sena Koglo, Abubakar Abdulkadir, Diana Feliciano, Appollonia A. Okhimamhe

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Aims: This study aims to determine the short term effects during off-season of pre-wetted straw and urea incorporation on lowland rice field soil carbon sequestration and greenhouse gas emissions using climate change adaptation food security mitigation option tool (CCAFS-MOT) model. Study Design: The experiment was performed using a Randomized Complete Block Design. Place and Duration of Study: Nigeria, Niger State, Bida local Government from April to July 2015. Methodology: Integrated formulations of rice straw and urea at different rates respectively: 2, 3 and 4 t/ha and 25, 50 and 75 kg/ha were used with one check plot (C) (without straw and urea). The experiment was a Randomized Complete Block Design, and ten (10) integrated formulations (treatments) were used with four (04) replications. Each replication, was made of ten (10) plots giving a total number of forty (40) plots. The effect of treatments on the following variables; Soil Organic Carbon Density Gain per Year (SOCDG/year, kg/ha) and GHGs emissions (kg/ha) were determined in order to identify the best treatments. Data collected were analyzed using GenStat 16.2 and CCAFS-MOT 1.0 for SOC balance. Matlab 11.0 and Excel 2013 were also used for data processing and graphs. Significance and Duncan’s Multiple Range Test were performed at 95%. Results: Results indicated significance difference of treatments on each parameter evaluated. SOCDG increase is function of the quantity of straw and urea incorporated (Fpr.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)1-11
JournalAmerican Journal of Experimental Agriculture
Issue number5
Publication statusPublished - 13 Aug 2016


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