EFSUMB Clinical Practice Guidelines for Point-of-Care Ultrasound: Part One (Common Heart and Pulmonary Applications) LONG VERSION

Robert David Jarman, Cian Mcdermott, Anna Colclough, Morten Bøtker, Lars Knudsen, Tim Harris, Bilal Albaroudi, Omar Albaroudi, Mahmoud Haddad, Robert Darke, Edward Berry, Tomas Breslin, Gareth Fitzpatrick, Leah Flanagan, Olusegun Olusanya, Dominic Craver, Adhnan Omar, Thomas Simpson, Nishant Cherian, Martin DoreGregor Prosen, Sharon Kay, Tomás Villén-Villegas, Luna Gargani, Simon Carley, Michael Woo, Florence Dupriez, Arif Hussain, Gabriele Via, James Anthony Connolly, Marcus Peck, Larry Melniker, Andrew Walden, Mark Anthony Attard Biancardi, Olga Żmijewska-Kaczor, Elizabeth Lalande, Paul Geukens, Russell Mclaughlin, Paul Olszynski, Beatrice Hoffmann, Eric Chin, Christopher Muhr, Daniel J. Kim, Andre Mercieca, Dharmesh Shukla, Simon Hayward, Michael Smith, Romolo Gaspari, Nick Smallwood, Philippe Pes, Guido Tavazzi, Francesco Corradi, Michael Lambert, Craig Morris, Michael Trauer, Kylie Baker, Adam Bystrzycki, Adrian Goudie, Rachel Liu, Lynne Rudd, Christoph F. Dietrich, Christian Jenssen, Paul S. Sidhu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


Aims To evaluate the evidence and produce a summary and recommendations for the most common heart and lung applications of point-of-care ultrasound (PoCUS).

Methods We reviewed 10 clinical domains/questions related to common heart and lung applications of PoCUS. Following review of the evidence, a summary and recommendation were produced, including assignment of levels of evidence (LoE) and grading of the recommendation, assessment, development, and evaluation (GRADE). 38 international experts, the expert review group (ERG), were invited to review the evidence presented for each question. A level of agreement of over 75 % was required to progress to the next section. The ERG then reviewed and indicated their level of agreement regarding the summary and recommendation for each question (using a 5-point Likert scale), which was approved if a level of agreement of greater than 75 % was reached. A level of agreement was defined as a summary of “strongly agree” and “agree” on the Likert scale responses.

Findings and Recommendations One question achieved a strong consensus for an assigned LoE of 3 and a weak GRADE recommendation (question 1). The remaining 9 questions achieved broad agreement with one assigned an LoE of 4 and weak GRADE recommendation (question 2), three achieving an LoE of 3 with a weak GRADE recommendation (questions 3–5), three achieved an LoE of 3 with a strong GRADE recommendation (questions 6–8), and the remaining two were assigned an LoE of 2 with a strong GRADE recommendation (questions 9 and 10).

Conclusion These consensus-derived recommendations should aid clinical practice and highlight areas of further research for PoCUS in acute settings.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)e1-e24
Number of pages24
JournalUltraschall in der Medizin
Issue number1
Publication statusPublished - 13 Oct 2022


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