Embedding equality in staff student research partnerships – co creating an academic writing tool

Susan Becker, Holly Shahverdi, Nadine Spence, Luke Kennedy, Georgie Rayment

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The Student’s Academic Literacy Tool (SALT) project has brought together academic staff and students to develop an accessible and useful tool to enable students to recognise the characteristics of academic writing which need to be developed in order to be successful in written assessments. Crucial to the success of the project so far has been the involvement of student research partners, who teamed up as co-creators and owners of the tool around 18 months ago (Becker, Kennedy, Shahverdi & Spence, 2015). The project initially received £3,650 from Teesside University Learning and Teaching fund to create and user test the SALT in booklet format. The project was also designed to provide student researchers with opportunities to present at regional conferences and collaborate with national organisations as well as experience the research publishing and dissemination process. Since its dissemination, interest in SALT has grown through a series of successful publications, conference presentations, and national media coverage following the team’s success in winning the Joint Information Systems Council Summer of Student Ideas competition 2015. This has led to the Student’s Academic Literacy Tool being used across a number of Science and Technology disciplines at Teesside University and in addition it is being used in a number of other Universities across the U.K. With the support of JISC a mobile application of the tool has recently been launched and the project is now overseen by a steering committee which includes members of the original team and continues to provide opportunities for current students to engage in ongoing evaluation and enhancement projects. The launch of the mobile application also provides ongoing opportunities for students to engage in work around developing additional features and ancillary content as well as engaging with industry to develop partnerships to maintain and extend the functionality of the application.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)-
JournalStudent Engagement in Higher Education Journal
Publication statusPublished - 1 Sept 2016


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