Embracing The Student Cohort Community (SCC): Facilitating self-directed and peer support on a Doctor of Health and Social Care (DHSC) programme.

Robert McSherry, Josette Bettany-Saltikov

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This paper illustrates how our professional doctorate programme team has developed a creative supporting framework by harnessing the strengths from both the individual as well as the collective members of a student cohort. The Student Cohort Community (SCC) is a new term that we coined which aims to provide peer support to students at various stages of their professional doctorate programme. This is achieved through adopting the philosophy of 'shared learning' that is founded on the principles of action learning. Action learning is a process of learning and reflection, supported by colleagues with an intention of getting things done (Driscoll and Yegdich, 2007). We have found that action learning has proven to be ideal, because it focuses on bringing individuals together via the Student Cohort Community where students’ ideas can be challenged in a supportive and nonthreatening environment. The Student Cohort Community offers a balance of emotional and intellectual challenge ‘through comradeship and insightful questioning which enables each member to act and learn effectively on three levels” (Bird, 2002). Firstly, to present the challenge to be tackled, secondly to explore what is being learned about oneself and thirdly the process of learning itself. These principles of action learning complement the programme which is about presenting, exploring and responding to challenge and change. From our experience we have found that action learning when used effectively has the potential to provide emotional support and intellectual challenge, personal and professional growth and the creation of a mechanism for iterative exploration of alternative action in light of new insights and change.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 30 Mar 2015
Event2nd International Conference on Developments in Doctoral Education & Training - University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Duration: 30 Mar 201531 Mar 2015


Conference2nd International Conference on Developments in Doctoral Education & Training
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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