Employability, skills and talent management in Zhejiang Province

Paul Iles, John Shutt, Xiaoxian Zhu

    Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


    This paper reports on a three-year PMI2 project con
    ducted by Leeds
    Metropolitan University and Zhejiang University of
    Technology for the British
    Council in 2008, one of seven to develop and streng
    then partnerships with
    Chinese institutions in employability and entrepren
    eurship. The aim has been
    to analyse the Hangzhou and Zhejiang economies and
    examine current
    Chinese company requirements for skills and talent
    and the implications for
    teaching and learning and graduate supply. The pape
    r reports on eight
    company case studies exploring talent/skills needs
    and a survey of 21 ZJUT-
    Leeds Metropolitan University alumni on their asses
    sment of the Masters in
    International Trade and Finance (MAITF) programme i
    n enhancing their
    employability. The paper argues that there is a nee
    d for China to respond to a
    new stage of globalisation- the recession, fiscal s
    timulus and internal growth
    adding to the search for Chinese globalisation. To
    be successful, Chinese
    companies need to have strong understanding of mark
    ets and cultures and
    business skills and methods, and the paper makes so
    me recommendations
    for policy and research in this area.
    Original languageEnglish
    Title of host publicationCEA Conference, July 2010, Oxford University, conference proceeding
    Number of pages22
    Publication statusPublished - 2010


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