Engaging Students in the Research Environment

Helen Page, Theresia Ralebitso-Senior, Caroline Orr

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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The quality of the learning experience can be improved by working in partnership with students to engage them in research-informed teaching (RIT). Engaging students in discipline-specific research can be used to demonstrate the interrelatedness of teaching, as well as, initiating and driving new developments in subject areas that are increasingly limited by recession-linked budget constraints. Engaging students in RIT curricula and co-curricula initiatives and actively promoting refereed publication of their results, not only fosters a real sense of ownership and achievement, but also facilitates enrichment of their learning experience. This presentation aims to illustrate how academic staff within the School of Science and Engineering, Teesside University, implemented RIT by engaging students as research co-creators in a range of curricula and co-curricula initiatives as part of funded and non-funded projects. These were developed and managed as both integral components of the degree structures within the School, but also by exploiting funding opportunities arising from business engagement, alignment with PhD and Professional body funded projects and the Teesside University Student as Researcher (SAR) funding scheme. The effectiveness for those students engaged in the RIT initiatives was measured in three ways. The first was an analysis of student perceptions against six key terms (creative, confident, critical, adaptable, aspiring and articulate), as identified by Teesside University as transferable attributes which are desirable in all our graduates irrespective of their degree programme and discipline. The second was a qualitative analysis of questionnaire responses, and the third was a summary of tangible research outputs. This case study highlights how this particular approach to research-led student partnership working has resulted in an improved student learning experience, as well as increased student motivation, aspiration and confidence with respect to their further learning and employment. By successfully engaging students in the production of tangible research outputs, their academic capabilities have been developed, their achievement can be viewed and assessed by their peers and academics in the discipline, and the outputs can be used to enhance their employability
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2016
EventRAISE16 Conference: ‘Excellence’ in Student Engagement - Loughborough University, Loughborough, United Kingdom
Duration: 8 Sept 20169 Sept 2016


ConferenceRAISE16 Conference: ‘Excellence’ in Student Engagement
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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