Jason Timms (Inventor), Cormac Ryan (Inventor), Denis Martin (Inventor)

Research output: Patent


A patient stimulation device is provided comprising a plurality of stimulators for selectively applying a stimulus to a patient's body. Each of the plurality of stimulators is beatable in a different position upon a patient's body. A patient input interface is provided for receiving data representative of a perceived stimulus from the patient, and an output is provided for communicating to a patient data representative of an applied stimulus. The device comprises a controller having a training mode, the training mode comprising the controller actuating at least one of the plurality of stimulators to apply a stimulus to the patient's body, subsequently receiving data representative of a perceived stimulus from the patient input interface, and subsequently providing the output with data representative of the applied stimulus for communication to the patient, such that the data representative of the applied stimulus identifies, or allows the identification of, the applied stimulus.
Original languageEnglish
Patent numberEP3448500
IPCEuropean Patent register
Priority date29/04/16
Filing date28/04/17
Publication statusPublished - 18 Oct 2021


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