Evaluation of Signal Attenuation for Bluetooth, ZigBee and Sound in Foliage

Kuruvilla Mathew, Biju Issac, Chong Eng Tan

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    Rural environments have been struggling to get connected due to various reasons, one of them being the fact that the signal attenuation is too high in foliage, drastically affecting range and power consumption. This study evaluates the effect of foliage in the attenuation of 2.4 GHz signals, namely Bluetooth and ZigBee. An alternate candidate signal, sound is also analyzed in a similar environment. In order to further the experiment, a simulation model using Omnet++ was created and the alpha value, which marks the environmental constant was noted. We have concluded from the study that the signal attenuation for the 2.4 GHz signals are very high in foliage. The high frequency sound signals also suffered drastic signal loss in foliage, but the low frequencies penetrated quite well. Therefore, high frequency signals are poor candidate carrier signals for such environments.
    Original languageEnglish
    Publication statusPublished - 23 May 2017
    Event10th International Conference of Information Technology in Asia - Kuching, Malaysia
    Duration: 23 May 201724 May 2017


    Conference10th International Conference of Information Technology in Asia
    Abbreviated titleCITA 2017


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