Exogenous Rewards for Promoting Cooperation in Scale-Free Networks

Theodor Cimpeanu, The Anh Han, Francisco C. Santos

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution

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The design of mechanisms that encourage pro-social behaviours in populations of self-regarding agents is recognised as a major theoretical challenge within several areas of social, life and engineering sciences. When interference from external parties is considered, several heuristics have been identified as capable of engineering a desired collective behaviour at a minimal cost. However, these studies neglect the diverse nature of contexts and social structures that characterise real-world populations. Here we analyse the impact of diversity by means of scale-free interaction networks with high and low levels of clustering, and test various interference mechanisms using simulations of agents facing a cooperative dilemma. Our results show that interference on scale-free networks is not trivial and that distinct levels of clustering react differently to each interference mechanism. As such, we argue that no tailored response fits all scale-free networks and present which mechanisms are more efficient at fostering cooperation in both types of networks. Finally, we discuss the pitfalls of considering reckless interference mechanisms.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationALIFE 2019: The 2019 Conference on Artificial Life
EditorsHarold Fellermann, Jaume Bacardit, Ángel Goñi-Moreno, Rudolf M Füchslin
PublisherMIT Press
Publication statusPublished - 15 Jul 2019
Event2019 Conference on Artificial Life: How Can Artificial Life Help Solve Societal Challenges: 2019 International Workshop on Agent-Based Modelling of Human Behaviour (ABMHuB) - Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
Duration: 29 Jul 20192 Aug 2019

Publication series

NameArtificial Life Conference Proceedings


Conference2019 Conference on Artificial Life: How Can Artificial Life Help Solve Societal Challenges
Abbreviated titleALIFE 2019
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
CityNewcastle upon Tyne
Internet address


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