Flemish Transfiguration: 4th Textile Art of Today Triennial 2015

Robert Burton, Dave Allinson, Michelle Tripp (Other), Sarah O'Brien

Research output: Non-textual formArtefact

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FLEMISH TRANSFIGURATION is a looped video projection that, in the endless tying and untying of ribbons that changes the shape of the garment worn by the performer, echoes the repetitive acts of weaving and constructing in fabric making and fashion whilst bringing to mind the endless daily repetition in the flow and endlessness of the quotidian and everyday. The installation and performance work MIRROR STAGE creates a dialogue in using two video projections playing on a loop in the installation space (the performance space). They are the subtext to the overt performance, they function as the undertone of the work implying other meanings and allusions. Mirror Stage is an installation that comprises projections suggesting the patterns and rhythms of life and the interweaving of humanity in time. The installation endeavors to conceptualize the insubstantial virtual world of the internet and the exotic world of imagery that camouflage identity. In the postmodern world of the found and appropriated image that surrounds us we form a relationship to the image in the same way that Lacan describes the mirror stage by typifying the realisation of the child as "an essential libidinal relationship with the body image". Flemish Transfiguration and Mirror Stage are collaborative video works by Dave Allinson (artist), Rob Burton (textile artist), Sarah O'Brien (performing artist) and Michelle Tripp (artist) were selected by an international jury for the triennial touring exhibition TEXTILE ART of TODAY. The aim of the TEXTILE ART OF TODAY Triennial is to present textile production in new dimensions not only as the classical hanging of textiles as cloth but also in other contexts and opportunities such as textile sculpture, concept, building, installation, video and fashion artifacts and realise the perception of textile creation through innovations in new media.
Original languageEnglish
Media of outputFilm
Publication statusPublished - 17 Sept 2015


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