Flow measurement of pulverized slurry on a power station

J. Coulthard, R. Cheng

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


To improve combustion efficiency in coal-fired power stations, three critical combustion parameters, relating to the flow of pulverized fuel, need to be known. These are the solids velocity, the solids distribution and the particle size. Three prototype industrial instruments each of which measure these parameters are operating on a power station in Scotland. These have been fitted to 14 inches (350 mm) diameter pneumatic conveyors leading to the tuyeres and are successfully completing an extensive series of trials. The instruments are relatively unaffected by solids distribution within the pipeline.

Original languageEnglish
Number of pages4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 1996
Event31st Universities Power Engineering Conference - Iraklio, Greece
Duration: 18 Sept 199620 Sept 1996
Conference number: 31


Conference31st Universities Power Engineering Conference


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