Football is ready for openly gay players

Ellis Cashmore, Jamie Cleland, Kevin Dixon

Research output: Other contribution


As last year’s British Social Attitudes survey indicates, 66% approve of same-sex couples, meaning about a third do not. Our newest research suggests that, with 95% of fans saying they favor openly gay players, football crowds are more welcoming of gay people than the rest of the UK population. It may sound a counterintuitive argument, but it is based on the results of an online research project comprising the detailed accounts of 2,665 fans, the vast majority of whom are embarrassed that football is continually characterized as a homophobic environment that prohibits gay players from revealing their sexual identity — at least until their playing career is over.
Original languageEnglish
TypeSocial Commentary
Media of outputFair Observer
PublisherFair Observer
Publication statusPublished - 24 Feb 2021


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