From Outcome-Based Education (OBE) to Continual Quality Improvement (CQI): A Case Study of Teaching Mechanical Engineering at University of Newcastle, Singapore

Yit Yan Koh, Perk Lin Chong

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The Outcome-Based Education (OBE), which is an education philosophy that focuses on the graduate attributes or outcomes upon the completion of an engineering programme, is an important component in the conduct of Engineering Programme in Malaysia and Singapore. For the case in the University of Newcastle, Australia (Singapore Campus), The Programme Outcomes (PO) of the engineering programme is first determined in the curriculum, for which the Learning Outcomes (LO) of the courses in the programmes are designed based on the PO stated. In addition, the students’ achievements of such outcomes are measured upon completion of courses and programmes. As part of Continual Quality Improvement (CQI), these measurements are analysed and steps for improvements are taken. This paper presents a case study conducted for teaching of the course of Transport Phenomena in the University of Newcastle, Singapore, where the LO measurement is used as an input for CQI process, in particular, the incorporation of teaching and learning feedback practices “start-stop-continue” into the OBE measurement and CQI, and how action are taken for improvements.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2015
Event15th South East Asian Association for Institutional Research (SEAAIR) conference - Hanoi, Viet Nam
Duration: 30 Sept 20152 Oct 2015


Conference15th South East Asian Association for Institutional Research (SEAAIR) conference
Country/TerritoryViet Nam

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