From research to reality: young people not in education, employment or training (NEETs)

Robert MacDonald, Tracy A Shildrick

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The sixth of the Research to Reality workshops considered the available evidence in relation to NEETs – Young People
Not in Employment, Education and Training. Its purpose was to facilitate a two-way knowledge transfer between
academics and practitioners. It was intended to enable the sharing of innovative practice, encourage improved
networks between practitioners from different organisations, and help participants consider the implications of the
evidence for their current and future practice. The workshop was very well attended with delegates coming from a
range of organisations and roles. Organisations represented included local authorities – constituting approximately half
of those who attended – the third sector, further education and training providers, Jobcentre Plus, the regional
observatory and a local strategic partnership. Delegates included practitioners working directly with NEETs, service
managers, research, information and evidence officers/advisors, elected members and project officers/managers
together with those involved in policy.
Delegates were presented with a research digest prepared by Professors Robert MacDonald and Tracy Shildrick, Social
Futures Institute, Teesside University. The workshop report is in two parts – part 1 provides the research digest made
available to all participants, and part 2 presents a commentary on the workshop discussion.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationYoung people not in education, employment or training (NEET)
PublisherNorth East Improvement and Efficiency Partnership
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventYoung People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) workshop 2010 - , United Kingdom
Duration: 11 Oct 201011 Oct 2010


ConferenceYoung People Not in Education, Employment or Training (NEET) workshop 2010
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom

Bibliographical note

The sixth of the Research to Reality workshops considered the available evidence in relation to NEETs - Young People Not in Employment, Education and Training. Its purpose was to facilitate a two-way knowledge transfer between academics and practitioners. It was intended to enable the sharing of innovative practice, encourage improved networks between practitioners from different organisations, and help participants consider the implications of the evidence for their current and future practice. The workshop was very well attended with delegates coming from a range of organisations and roles. Organisations represented included local authorities \ constituting approximately half of those who attended \ the third sector, further education and training providers, Jobcentre Plus, the regional observatory and a local strategic partnership. Delegates included practitioners working directly with NEETs, service managers, research, information and evidence officers/advisors, elected members and project officers/managers together with those involved in policy. Delegates were presented with a research digest prepared by Professors Robert MacDonald and Tracy Shildrick, Social Futures Institute, Teesside University. The workshop report is in two parts \ part 1 provides the research digest made available to all participants, and part 2 presents a commentary on the workshop discussion.


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