Game-like virtual reality interfaces as a new paradigm in architecture/engineering/construction design simulation

Farzad Rahimian, Rahinah Ibrahim

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter


In global operation, the success of Architecture, Engineering, and Construction (AEC) projects are often highly dependent upon the type, level and quality of the communication exchange between the various disciplines involved in the design and implementation phases. The communication exchanges among building professionals take place in the form of documented 2D/3D CAD formatted design. Recent innovation in Virtual Reality (VR) technologies and AEC decision-support toolkits have now matured in the developing countries which enabled telepresence engagement to occur through collaborative environments. Several opportunities are now available, including significantly improved immersive interactivity with haptic support that can enhance users’ engagement and interaction. Whilst several benefits can be cited from using this technology, it is postulated that current collaborative approaches could be significantly improved by augmenting immersive interactivity to enhance users’ engagement and satisfaction in the process. This paper reviews the current situation of using VR interfaces in building design and construction management simulation and describes its related benefits and challenges. Game-Like VR interfaces are presented as a viable solution, particularly for promoting better integration of data simulation and communication through the whole construction design and management process. It is therefore argued that the use of such interfaces would have a positive impact on Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) projects. Moreover, this approach could proactively foster multidisciplinary teamwork synergies and provide enhanced outcomes for respective collaborative participants in detailed design and construction phases.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Proceedings of the Malaysian Architectural Education Conference
Subtitle of host publicationFuture of Architectural Education
PublisherUniversity of Central Lancashire
ISBN (Print)9786975545054
Publication statusPublished - 1 Oct 2012
EventMalaysian Architectural Education Conference 2012: The Future of Architectural Education - Seri Kambangan, Malaysia
Duration: 4 Oct 20125 Oct 2012


ConferenceMalaysian Architectural Education Conference 2012
Abbreviated titleMAEC 2012


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