Gender differences in violence and aggression

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingChapter

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Perhaps the most ubiquitous finding across multiple research disciplines regarding aggression and violence is that of consistent gender differences, with the male of the species exhibiting greater levels of these behaviors than the female. In this chapter, evidence relating to gender differences in violence and aggression within our own species is reviewed. Similarities displayed between men and women in terms of their age profile and underlying etiology are briefly outlined before documenting recent research highlighting gender differences across multiple measures and types of aggression. Two of the most comprehensively documented perspectives purporting to explain these differences (sexual selection theory and social role theory) are then compared. Finally, gender differences in aggression and violence are explored in relation to potential psychological mediators such as risk taking and fear in order to explain why males and females may differ in relation to this species-universal behavior.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationThe Wiley Handbook of Violence and Aggression
Number of pages0
Publication statusPublished - 2017


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