Ground Motion Selection Using CMS Employing a Novel Cost Function to Capture Structural Failure Modes

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


An important and fundamental step in conducting structural analysis and design is the selection and scaling of ground motion records. The traditional techniques involve choosing ground motion records based on the target spectrum by applying conditional spectrum and ground motion models. This study illustrates the need of using various weighted factors for various time ranges when matching certain ground motions to the intended hazard spectrum. The target intensity measure (IM) is built using the event data from the Next Generation Attenuation West 2 (NGA-West 2) database, which is utilised as a database for ground motion selection and hazard deaggregation to estimate the event parameters of interest. After that, ground motion records with various weighted vector-valued filters are chosen using the target IM. In accordance with the structural analysis application of steel moment resisting frame (SMRF) buildings, the weights are adjusted to take into account the relative relevance of IM. A novel model is introduced and contrasted with the traditional cost function for matching spectrum in place of an ordinary objective function. In terms of ground motion selection, the results demonstrate that the new model performs noticeably better than the prior approaches; adding more weight to a structure's first-mode period is found to increase engineering demand parameters. Results show that period elongation and higher mode effects can be successfully accounted for by weight factors assigned to various period ranges.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages12
Publication statusPublished - 28 Jun 2024
Event18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering - Milan, Italy
Duration: 30 Jun 20245 Jul 2024


Conference18th World Conference on Earthquake Engineering
Abbreviated titleWCEE2024
Internet address


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