Growth and micromorphology of as-grown ZTS single crystals and the etching studies

P.M. Ushasree, R. Jayavel, C. Subramanian, P. Ramasamy

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Single crystals of ZTS have been grown by low temperature solution growth method by slow cooling process at an optimised pH of 3.2. The grown crystals have been observed under an optical microscope to study its surface morphology. The micromorphology studies show that the growth usually takes place by spreading of growth layers. Hillocks were observed on (100) face of ZTS. Formation of bunches and macrosteps and other surface morphology on the as-grown (100) plane of ZTS has been explained in relation to the growth conditions. Single crystal X- ray diffraction analysis confirms the crystal structure. Transmission spectrum reveals that the crystal has a low UV cut off of 260 nm and has a transmittance of 80%. TGA shows that the decomposition takes place at 473 K. Dependence of microhardness on load has been evaluated. Etching studies, with water as an etchant reveals the formation of "grown-in" dislocations and "fresh" dislocations.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)407-410
Number of pages4
JournalBulletin of Electrochemistry
Issue number11
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 1998


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