Impact of Charging Speed on Electric Vehicle Battery Life

Khursheed Sabeel, Geetika Aggarwal, Mahdy Eslamy, Rani C, Rajesh Kumar M, Arshida Paramel

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


The growing concerns about climate change have led to the widespread adoption of EVs to reduce global carbon emissions. Li-ion batteries have become prominent in EVs because of their high density and fast charging capability. However, there are several limitations associated with the technologies. Therefore, this paper aims to investigate the impact of charging rate on Li-ion batteries used in EVs. Four chargers, i.e. 6A, 12A, 24A and 48A chargers, are used to charge EV batteries rated 48V and 24Ah. The MATLAB/Simulink platform was used for the design. The result showed an increased charging rate drains the battery faster than slow chargers. Other factors influencing battery degradation include temperature, SOC, DOD and cycling period. Proper management and avoiding deep discharge of the battery are recommended to prolong its lifespan.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2 Apr 2024


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