In the spotlight: Early career member awardee 2020, ERS lung science conference 2021, and sleep and breathing 2021

Roberto Martinez Alejos, Samantha L. Harrison, Andrea Crespo, Niki D. Ubags, Jana De Brandt

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Since 2019, the ERS has honoured an ambitious
and successful Early Career Member (ECM) through
granting an ECM award. For the 2020 election,
nomination of an eligible ECM could be performed
by any ERS member or by self-nomination. 20eligible
candidates were shortlisted and, based on their
accomplishments within the field of respiratory
medicine/science and active involvement in the ERS,
the nominees were ranked by the representatives of
the Early Career Members Committee. Prof. Dr. Chris
Burtin became the laureate of the second ECM
award (figure 1). Two ECMs from Assembly 9 (Allied
Respiratory Professionals) (Roberto Martinez Alejos
and Samantha Harrison) interviewed Prof. Dr. Chris
Burtin via teleconference. The interview took place
prior to the ERS International Congress 2020
Original languageEnglish
Article number200199
Pages (from-to)1-5
Number of pages5
Issue number4
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2020

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
J. De Brandt is funded by the Flemish government. The Research of FWO Aspirant J. De Brandt is sponsored by FWO-grant #11B4718N.


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