Influence of personality and self-efficacy on perceptual responses during high-intensity interval exercise in adolescents

Adam A. Malik, Craig Williams, Kathryn Weston, Alan R Barker

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Inter-individual cognitive factors have been shown to be related to the changes in affect evaluations during continuous high-intensity exercise in adolescents, but the role of cognitive factors on affect during high-intensity interval exercise (HIIE) is currently unknown. This study evaluated the influence of personality traits (behavioural activation system; BAS and behavioural inhibition system; BIS) and self-efficacy on affect, enjoyment and perceived exertion during HIIE in adolescents. Participants (N=30; 15 boys; mean age= 12.2 ± 0.4 years; moderate to vigorous physical activity levels per day = 33 ± 12 min) were median split into low vs. high BAS/BIS and self-efficacy groups. All participants performed HIIE consisting of 8 x 1-min work-intervals at 85% of peak power separated by 75 seconds recovery. Affect, enjoyment, and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) were recorded 5 min before HIIE, near the end of the HIIE work intervals, and 20 min after HIIE. The high BAS/low BIS group elicited greater affect and enjoyment compared to low BAS/high BIS group during work-intervals 5 to 8 (all P<0.039, all ES>0.59) and after HIIE for post-enjoyment (all P<0.038, all ES>0.95). Affect and enjoyment were greater in high compared to low self-efficacy group during work-intervals 5 to 8 (all P<0.048, all ES>0.62). The BAS/BIS groups elicited similar RPE (all P>0.10), but RPE was lower in high than low self-efficacy group at work-intervals 5 to 8 (all P<0.037, ES>0.98). Individual differences in personality and self-efficacy may influence the affective, enjoyment and RPE responses during HIIE in adolescents.
Original languageEnglish
JournalJournal of Applied Sport Psychology
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 14 Jan 2020


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