Mark Kasumovic (Photographer), Kendra Ainsworth

    Research output: Non-textual formExhibition


    Instrumental, exhibition. 5 May to 3 July 2016. Accompanied by the catalogue Instrumental (4pp., Art Gallery of Mississauga), with text by Kendra Ainsworth.

    The Art Gallery of Mississauga presented artist/photographer Mark Kasumovic's INSTRUMENTAL project as a solo exhibition in the XIT-RM. Alongside the AGM's Featured Exhibition, during the international Scotiabank Contact Photography Festival, Kasumovic explored the intersection of our expectations of accuracy in photographic representation with the rapidly changing ways in which information is processed and stored. It is not only particularly apropos in today's media climate, but also formed an interesting connection with the work in Canadian Belongings being presented alongside the exhibition, in its examinations of the implications of the image in the formation of notions of identity and citizenship.

    Mark Kasumovic's photographic practice is informed by some of the principal concerns that have plagued photographers for years: the inherent truth-value of the photograph, and the limitations of the medium, particularly in our increasingly digital, networked world. As Walter Benjamin raised concerns over the loss of the aura of the art object as replication and reproduction of original objects became commonplace, so too does Kasumovic raise concerns over our understanding of information - visual, material, and intellectual - in a time when truth in representation seems increasingly called into question.

    By presenting images in an immersive display that includes large scale vinyl prints and vitrines to create trompe l'oeil effects, Kasumovic draws attention to the 'visibility' of these spaces/information, and encourages a more prolonged act of looking. The exhibition was supported by Mississauga City Council, the Ontario Arts Council and the Ontario Trillium Foundation. The exhibition was grounded within Kasumovic's research, which was supported by the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada.
    Original languageEnglish
    Place of PublicationMississauga
    PublisherArt Gallery of Mississauga
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    EventINSTRUMENTAL - The Art Gallery of Mississauga, Mississauga, Canada
    Duration: 5 May 201613 Jul 2016


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