Integrating the Sustainable Development Goals in School System: Case of Pakistan

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Learning is more powerful when it is applied as practical experience gives more understanding. The school learners are the custodians of future of any country. By giving the school learners the knowledge of SDGs topic helps them to understand the environment, social and economic challenges confronted by countries all across the globe that they may have not known before. It will give a purpose to their life. Teaching strategies may transform based on change of curriculum and it lead to sustainable future school system. Thus, they may not only get the understanding to safe and conserve the resources and may be able to address the regional environmental challenges such as water use, air quality, recycling etc.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 3 Dec 2021
EventWASD 19th International Annual Conference and 5th Diaspora International Conference -
Duration: 3 Dec 20215 Dec 2021


ConferenceWASD 19th International Annual Conference and 5th Diaspora International Conference
Internet address


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