Interactive storytelling via video content recombination

Julie Porteous, Sergio Benini, Luca Canini, Fred Charles, Marc Cavazza, Riccardo Leonardi

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review

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In the paper we present a prototype of video-based storytelling that is able to generate multiple story variants from a baseline video. The video content for the system is generated by an adaptation of forefront video summarisation techniques that decompose the video into a number of Logical Story Units (LSU) representing sequences of contiguous and interconnected shots sharing a common semantic thread. Alternative storylines are generated using AI Planning techniques and these are used to direct the combination of elementary LSU for output. We report early results from experiments with the prototype in which the reordering of video shots on the basis of their high-level semantics produces trailers giving the illusion of different storylines.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 2010
EventMM '10 ACM Multimedia Conference - Firenze, Italy
Duration: 25 Oct 201029 Oct 2010


ConferenceMM '10 ACM Multimedia Conference


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