Investigating the use of BIM models for BIM work streams in traditional construction contracting in Qatar

Ahmad Mohammad Ahmad, Sergio Rodriguez, Vladimir Vukovic, Khalid Naji, Nashwan Dawood, Mian Atif Hafeez

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaperpeer-review


Design Authoring in Architecture Engineering and Construction (AEC) industry is a process where clients' requirements are converted into digital models using 3D parametric and analytical modelling tools. BIM Models are the outputs created by
different stakeholders using different BIM Work Streams at project stages. BIM
Work Streams require different modelling requirements and would benefit from early stakeholders’ involvement (including contractors and sub-contractors) which traditional contracting procedures hinders.

This paper is part of Qatar Foundation project which aims to develop a Whole Life Cycle information flow enabled by BIM protocols and technologies for Qatar construction. This paper investigates how BIM Models produced at design stages are utilized by contractors in projects using traditional contracting in Qatar. Within those, it also explores the extent and purposes of the use of BIM
Models produced in Design Authoring process by contractors. The paper infers from focused expert interviews, the obstacles towards the use of BIM.
models for different BIM
Work Streams in projects using traditional contracting. The selected experts are contractors with a tracked record
in the Qatar construction industry. The paper aims to increase awar
eness of the problem, highlighting obstacles
and opportunities of the use of BIM models in current practice. There is a need for early collaboration,
coordination, communication and common use of information classification standards to exploit the use of B
models for different BIM Work Streams. Among many, some of the factors inhibiting effective utilization of BIM
Models for BIM Work Streams in current practice include: lack of early contractor input, trust, and sufficient
construction information in bui
lding elements used during the design stage.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 13 Nov 2016
Event16th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality - Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Hong Kong
Duration: 11 Dec 201613 Dec 2016


Conference16th International Conference on Construction Applications of Virtual Reality
Abbreviated titleCONVR 2016
Country/TerritoryHong Kong


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