Involving carers in the teaching, learning and assessment of masters students

Robert McSherry, Sandra Duggan

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Involving patients and carers in teaching, learning and assessment focuses the students on person-centred care by providing the opportunity to listen to, and reflect on, the perspective of patient and / or carer and also allows the students the opportunity to work in partnership with them to effect meaningful change. This paper presents an example at Teesside University where two informal carers have been involved as partners in the programme team of The Master of Arts in Advancing Practice over the past four years. In year two of the programme, the student is required to work within their organisation and governance policies to identify, implement and evaluate a practice development change project. Involving carers at critical points throughout the year has enriched, supported and challenged the students’ learning. Evaluation has highlighted the role that carers can play in bringing a new dimension to the students’ learning experience. The authors believe that direct involvement of this kind has much potential for other programmes in improving health and social care education which, in turn, will improve health and social care services.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)-
JournalNurse Education in Practice
Publication statusPublished - 5 Sept 2015


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