KEYNOTE: Revealing Magna and the threat of climate change to archaeological sites

Gillian Taylor, Barbara Birley

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Archaeologists have found new evidence that the ancient lake near Magna Roman fort may be under threat from desiccation and climate change. A special team of archaeologists, geoarchaeologists and scientists from Newcastle and Teesside Universities are working with the Vindolanda Trust, and in consultation with Historic England. The team is undertaking vital work to identify how historic land management and future climate change may be damaging the sensitive archaeological deposits of this part of the World Heritage Site of Hadrian’s Wall. Barbara and Gillian will discuss the findings here as well as future plans for the site.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - May 2022
EventRoman Finds Conference 2022 - Carlisle
Duration: 6 May 20227 May 2022


ConferenceRoman Finds Conference 2022


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