Mapping Corruption Forms with Corruption Causes in Infrastructure Procurement of Pakistan

Research output: Chapter in Book/Report/Conference proceedingConference contribution


The debate on mechanisms of corruption in the infrastructure sector is decades old. Numerous previous studies explored the many faces of corruption in infrastructure projects. Similarly, various studies indicated the causative indicators which instigate corruption in the infrastructure sector. However, very few studies focused on the formation of a conceptual link between corruption forms and their causes; therefore, this study aimed to develop a conceptual map of corruption forms and their causes. To achieve the aim 34 semi-structured interviews were conducted with industry practitioners in the infrastructure sector of Pakistan. The interview instrument was designed based on in-depth literature review findings. The results suggest that corruption causes and corruption forms are interlaced closely. Lack of regulatory mechanisms, weak morals, and harmful political interference breed acts of bribery, acts of discrimination, and acts of political mobilisation as corruption forms. This study is a valuable addition to the literature on corruption in the infrastructure sector. It may be taken as guidance to conduct more studies on mechanisms of corruption causes and corruption forms in other cultural contexts. The results may be helpful in the formation of effective anti-corruption measures.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publication New Perspectives and Paradigms in Applied Economics and Business
Subtitle of host publicationSpringer Proceedings in Business and Economics
EditorsWilliam C. Gartner
Number of pages17
ISBN (Electronic)9783031238444
ISBN (Print)9783031238437
Publication statusPublished - 21 Mar 2023
Event6th International Conference on Applied Economics and Business - Hybrid online and Elite Palace Hotel, Stockholm, Sweden
Duration: 24 Aug 202226 Aug 2022


Conference6th International Conference on Applied Economics and Business
Abbreviated titleICAEB 2022
Internet address


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