Motives Underlying the Choice of Business Majors: A Multi-Country Comparison

Mark Davies, Surinder Tikoo, Jiali (Laura) Ding, Mohamed Salama

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    This study examines the motives that affect students’ choice of business majors. Based on a literature review, five motives affecting students’ choice of business majors were identified. These motives were measured using data collected from undergraduate business students in China, UAE, UK, and USA. Factor analyses of the four datasets revealed a remarkably similar factor structure indicating that the motives underlying the choices of different major in these four countries are similar. Across the four countries, the importance of these motives is the same for two motives and only partially different for the remaining three motives. Overall, the results suggest that there is considerable global convergence in consumer behavior in the business education context.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)50-61
    JournalThe International Journal of Management Education
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - 6 Feb 2016


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