Navigating Discrete Difference Equation Governed WMR by Virtual Linear Leader Guided HMPC

Chao Huang, Xin Chen, Enyi Tang, Mengda He, Lei Bu, Shengchao Qin, Yifeng Zeng

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In this paper, we revisit model predictive control (MPC) for the classical wheeled mobile robot (WMR) navigation problem. We prove that the reachable set based hierarchical MPC (HMPC), a state-of-the-art MPC, cannot handle WMR navigation in theory due to the non-existence of non-trivial linear system with an under-approximate reachable set of WMR. Nevertheless, we propose a virtual linear leader guided MPC (VLL-MPC) to enable HMPC structure. Different from current HMPCs, we use a virtual linear system with an under-approximate path set rather than the traditional trace set to guide the WMR. We provide a valid construction of the virtual linear leader. We prove the stability of VLL-MPC, and discuss its complexity. In the experiment, we demonstrate the advantage of VLL-MPC empirically by comparing it with NMPC, LMPC and anytime RRT* in several scenarios.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 2020
Event2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation - Palais des Congrès de Paris, Paris, France
Duration: 31 May 20204 Jun 2020


Conference2020 International Conference on Robotics and Automation
Abbreviated titleICRA 2020
Internet address


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