
Marcus Diamond, Joanne Hamill, Michael O'Malley, Niche Medical

Research output: Other contribution


Art direction of a health-related social project. As research lead full art direction of the project Nebigrip. Full liaison with Mr Andrew Owens MD FRCS(CTh), Director of R&D and Consultant Cardiac Surgeon, South Tees Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust and in collaboration with with Niche Medical. Nebigrip is a handheld device that supports the Pari eFlow Rapid (nebuliser) in order to help children with Cystic Fibrosis take their daily medication with ease. Art direction concerned the brand build around the benefits of the handle to help support their particular focus/approach (as a medical aid) soon be released into the commercial market. The project produced: - Branding - Name - Website - The logo - Video - Social platform
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 16 Mar 2016


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