New distortional buckling design rules for slotted perforated cold-formed steel beams

Natalia Degtyareva, Perampalam Gatheeshgar, Keerthan Poologanathan, Shanmuganathan Gunalan, Konstantinos Daniel Tsavdaridis, Stephen Napper

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review

14 Citations (Scopus)


Cold-Formed Steel (CFS) members with slotted perforations in webs are used in civil construction to amplify the thermal and energy performance of structures. However, the slotted webs reduce the structural performance of the element, prominently their shear, bending and combined bending and shear strengths. Many research studies have been undertaken to examine the behaviour of CFS channel sections subject to bending. Yet, no research has been performed to investigate the distortional buckling behaviour of slotted perforated CFS flexural members. Finite Element (FE) models of CFS channels with staggered slotted perforations were developed herein to investigate their distortional buckling under bending stress. A parametric study was conducted in detail by developing 432 slotted perforated CFS FE models based on the validation process with available experimental results. In particular, this paper presents the FE analysis details of CFS flexural members with slotted perforations subject to distortional buckling and results. The reliability of the current Direct Strength Method (DSM) for CFS flexural members with web holes subject to distortional buckling in accordance with the North American Specification (AISI S100) (2016) and the Australian/New Zealand Standards (AS/NZ 4600) (2018) was investigated. Modified DSM formulae for slotted perforated CFS flexural members subject to distortional buckling were also proposed.

Original languageEnglish
Article number106006
JournalJournal of Constructional Steel Research
Publication statusPublished - 24 Mar 2020
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Funding Information:
The authors would like to appreciate the necessary research facilities and technical assistance provided by South Ural State University and Northumbria University.

Publisher Copyright:
© 2020


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