Non-Invasive Real-Time Diagnosis of PMSM Faults Implemented in Motor Control Software for Mission Critical Applications

Aykut Demirel, Ozan Keysan, Ma'd El-Dalahmeh, Maher Al-Greer

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This paper presents a non-intrusive, real-time, online Condition Monitoring and Fault
Diagnosis system for Permanent Magnet Synchronous Machines. The system utilizes
only the motor drive's built-in sensors, such as current and voltage sensors, to detect
three types of faults: inter-turn short circuit, partial demagnetization, and static
eccentricity. The proposed solution adopts a hardware-free approach, utilizing
current/voltage signature analysis to optimize cost-effectiveness. It requires a small
memory and short execution time, allowing it to be implemented on a simple motor
controller with limited memory and calculation power. The system is designed for
critical mission applications, and therefore, computation load, code size, memory
allocation, and run-time optimization are key focuses for real-time operation. The
proposed method has a high detection accuracy of 98%, is computationally efficient,
and can accurately detect and classify the fault. The system provides immediate
insights into motor health without interrupting the drive operation.
Original languageEnglish
Article number114684
JournalMeasurement: Journal of the International Measurement Confederation
Publication statusPublished - 9 Apr 2024


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