October fire

Michael Lent

Research output: Contribution to journalComment/debatepeer-review


October Fire is a phenomenological exploration of interstitial place. It was filmed on location in California. We’d stopped off to visit family and friends in California while relocating from the Pacific Northwest to the east coast. It was a brief and surreal break—palm trees, sunshine, and surfers, in winter. And then the fires. The Santa Ana winds spread wildfires toward the coastline. The mountains we needed to drive through blazed for days and days. The wildfires severely altered the landscape in a matter of weeks.

October Fire started as a letter while I was there. I recorded what I’d written and as the fires approached I shot and then layered images of surfers and beach. I was in transit, in between my old life and a new one. This is about feeling the conflict of life moving on in the midst of catastrophe.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 1 Dec 2012

Bibliographical note

This work is a video essay


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