On the hot isostatic pressing of Inconel 625 structures built using laser powder bed fusion at higher layer thickness

SK Nayak, AN Jinoop, CP Paul, VA Kumar, D Subburaj, R Singh, KS Bindra

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This paper reports the effect of hot isostatic pressing (HIP) on the porosity, microstructure and mechanical properties of laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) IN625 structures built at a higher layer thickness of 100 µm. It is observed that the process-induced pores/voids of volume fraction (Vf) 0.43% in as-built IN625 structures are reduced significantly to ~ 0.01% after HIP treatment. The microstructure is changed from fine columnar dendrites to coarse equiaxed dendrites. The microstructural analysis of as-built structures reveals the presence of cellular/dendritic growth along with elemental segregation of Nb, Si and C and precipitation of Nb-rich carbides, whereas coarse recrystallized microstructure along with elemental segregation of Si and precipitation of Nb, Mo and Cr rich carbides is observed in hot isostatic pressed (HIP) samples. HIP structures exhibit lower tensile strength, higher ductility and lower anisotropy as compared to LPBF built structures. There is a reduction in the Vickers micro-hardness of IN625 samples after HIP, and the values are observed to be similar to their conventional counterparts. Further, an increase in the energy storage capacity of the material is observed after HIP treatment through Automated Ball Indentation (ABI®) studies. The study paves a way to develop ~ 100% dense, defect-free and isotropic engineering components using LPBF.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)4065–4078
JournalThe International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology
Publication statusPublished - 12 Mar 2022


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