One Day the Sadness will End (Performance)

Sarah Perks (Performer), Declan Clarke (Performer)

Research output: Non-textual formPerformance


ONE DAY THE SADNESS WILL END is an ongoing project by artist Declan Clarke and curator Sarah Perks that tracks the traces and movements of post-revolutionary space through their collection and publication of the names of people, groups and places they believe were betrayed by revolution. Their initial research on 66 individuals and events formed a picture of specific historical events that attempted, each with varying degrees of success, to disrupt or influence courses of history. These failures were due to both the revolutionary process and the reactionary counter-impulse.

As part of the project TERRITORIES UNDER MY SKIN, Perks and Clarke presented the first performative version of ONE DAY THE SADNESS WILL END. In doing so, they will consider the phenomenon of post-revolution as a framework for questions of activism, social change and reconciliation.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 10 Jun 2021
EventOne Day the Sadness Will End (Performance) - Changing Room, Lüderitzstr. 11, Berlin, Germany
Duration: 10 Jun 202110 Jun 2021


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