Opinion:- Does the field of digital forensics have a consistency problem?

Graeme Horsman

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Consistency is a term which should be used cautiously in the context of digital forensics (DF). Its meaning indicates regular, repeatable performance, where with regards to the undertaking of forensic analysis procedures, such behaviour is synonymous with the traits of reliability and trustworthiness, which in turn provides a foundation for deriving dependable results. In the context of investigatory processes, consistency is generally considered a mark of quality; a gold standard to be achieved where conversely, any evidential interpretations gleaned from inconsistently functioning forensic processes are inherently unsafe (Lander, 2016). Great value should be placed upon attaining consistency in all aspects of the forensic process in all investigations, yet the field of DF in its current form is arguably far from achieving it. This is partly due in England and Wales to its regionalised infrastructure, and arguably impacted by a lack of robust regulation and oversight.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages11
JournalForensic Science International: Digital Investigation
Publication statusAccepted/In press - 21 Apr 2020


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