Part load operation of natural gas fired power plant with CO2 capture system for selective exhaust gas recirculation

Yamina Qureshi, Usman Ali, Farooq Sher

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This work investigates base and part load operation of natural gas combined cycle power plant integrated with post-combustion CO2 capture plant and selective exhaust gas recirculation scheme. Decarbonizing of natural gas combined cycle power plant is complex due to the higher flue gas flow rate with the least CO2 content ~ 3–4 vol% with residual 20% O2 and 77% N2 content. Therefore, the effect of series, parallel and hybrid selective exhaust gas recirculation is examined, a concept where selectively CO2 can be recycled back and mixed into the ambient air to the inlet feed of the compressor thereby reducing the flue gas flow rate and enhancing CO2 content at the inlet of capture plant. The study is novel in a way that part-load performance at 80, 60 and 40% for parallel and hybrid scheme of selective exhaust gas recirculation is analyzed through process simulation in Aspen Plus for 606 MW commercial-scale natural gas combined cycle power plant coupled with an amine-based CO2 capture plant. It is found that the simulation results of power plant and CO2 capture plant model agrees well with the experimental results. Further, the performance results show the viability of base and part load operation of natural gas combined cycle power plant integrated with CO2 capture plant by enhancing the CO2 concentration for hybrid configuration to approximately 19 vol%. For parallel configuration, CO2 content increases to around 13–14 vol% at 70% recirculation ratio in comparison to 6.6 vol% for simple EGR at 35% ratio. It is found that the selective exhaust gas recirculation offers more stable combustion by maintaining O2 content at 19 vol% at combustor inlets for parallel and hybrid cases and the flue gas flow rate reduces to 68 and 70%, respectively thus reducing the size of the capture plant. The specific reboiler duty for hybrid, parallel, and series configuration reduces to 3.19, 3.25, and 3.31 MJ/kg CO2, respectively in comparison to 3.54 MJ/kg CO2 for base case natural gas combined cycle power plant coupled with MEA-based CO2 capture unit. Whereas for 80 to 40% load change, the specific reboiler duty drops from 1.78% to 1.14% for parallel and hybrid configurations, respectively. In conclusion, hybrid selective exhaust gas recirculation configuration shows less efficiency penalty from base load to 40% part load and results in a decrease in specific reboiler duty in comparison to parallel configuration. Therefore, the study is innovative in an aspect that part-load performance at 80, 60 and 40% is performed, and results show a similar pattern as of baseload operation.

Original languageEnglish
Article number116808
JournalApplied Thermal Engineering
Publication statusPublished - 25 May 2021
Externally publishedYes

Bibliographical note

Publisher Copyright:
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd


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