Perspectives on Professional Doctorate research and learning; the lived experience of the learned professional.’

Gail Milburn, Jordan Dolfi, Richard Parsons, Gordon Weller

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    This paper charts the reflective inquiry of a small group of practitioners into their identity and experience whilst undertaking a professional doctorate. The authors met at the 2016 international conference on professional doctorates, held on 24th March, in London, whilst taking part in a conference panel discussion on the Graduate Learning Experience. This paper is the result of our correspondence and particularly, the three reflective vignettes that were produced by three of the group. The analysis of the findings of a narrative inquiry indicate a desire or belief in wanting to contribute to society in some way as an outcome or consequence of their gaining the award and doctoral title and that this title included a notion of responsibility to others.
    Original languageEnglish
    Pages (from-to)85-100
    Number of pages16
    JournalWork Based Learning e-journal International
    Issue number1
    Publication statusPublished - Mar 2019


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