Physiological Responses and Nutritional Intake during a 7-Day Treadmill Running World Record: case report

Nicolas Berger, Daniel Cooley, Michael Graham, Claire Harrison, Russ Best

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Ultra-running comprises running events longer than a marathon (>42.2 km). The prolonged duration of ultra-running leads to decrements in most or all physiological parameters and considerable energy expenditure (EE) and energy deficits. SG, 47 years, 162.5 cm, 49 kg, VO 2max 4 mL/kg/min −1 /2.37 L/min −1, ran continuously for 7 days on a treadmill in 3 h blocks followed by 30 min breaks and slept from 1–5 a.m. Heart rate (HR) oxygen uptake (VO 2 ), rating of perceived exertion, weight, blood lactate (mmol·L −1 ), haemoglobin (g·dL), haematocrit (%) and glucose (mmol·L −1 ), and nutrition and hydration were recorded. SG ran for 17.5 h/day, covering ~120 km/day at ~7 km/h. Energy expenditure for each 24 h period was 6878 kcal/day and energy intake (EI) was 2701 kcal/day. EE was 382 kcal/h, with 66.6% from fat and 33.4% from carbohydrate oxidation. 7 day EI was 26,989 kcal and EE was 48,147 kcal, with a total energy deficit (ED) of 21,158 kcal. Average VO 2 was 1.2 L·min −1 /24.7 mL·kg·min −1, Respriatory echange ratio (RER) 0.80 ± 0.03, HR 120–125 b·min −1 . Weight increased from 48.6 to 49.5 kg. Haemoglobin decreased from 13.7 to 11 g·dL and haematocrit decreased from 40% to 33%. SG ran 833.05 km. SG exhibits an enhanced fat metabolism through which she had a large daily ED. Her success can be attributed to a combination of physiological and psychological factors.

Original languageEnglish
Article number5962
Pages (from-to)1-17
Number of pages17
JournalInternational Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health.
Issue number16
Publication statusPublished - 17 Aug 2020


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