Phytochemical and pharmacological investigation of cypripedium acaule ait

MSK Choudhuri, S Sultana, S Ahmed, Mosharraf Sarker, A Ghani, RF Chandler

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Phytochemical and pharmacological investigations were carried out on the petroleum ether, chloroform and methanol extracts of the roots and aerial parts of Cypripedium acaule Ait. Phytochemical screening results for acidic and neutral triterpenes, iridoids. flavonoids and carbohydrates are reported. alpha and beta-Amyrins, stigmasterol and beta-sitosterol were detected in the petroleum ether extract of the aerial parts. Further phytochemical investigation has revealed the presence of para-hydroxybenzyl alcohol. Pharmacological screening showed the methanolic extract of the root to be the only sample to possess anticonvulsant activity against pentylenetetrazol induced convulsion. Also, in the experiments on potentiation of sleeping time. the methanolic extract was significantly higher in 'potency than the chloroform and petroleum ether extracts of the root. para-Hydroxybenzyl alcohol identified in the methanolic extract of the root has been shown to be responsible for part of the sleeping time potentiation effect but does not possess any anticonvulsant activity against pentylenetetrazol induced convulsion.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)80 - 89
Number of pages9
JournalTraditional Medicine
Publication statusPublished - 24 Mar 1990


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