Promoting inclusivity in intimate partner abuse research: Exploring gender and age

Nikki Carthy, Elizabeth A. Bates, Nicoletta Policek

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Scholarship of intimate partner abuse is heavily dominated by a gendered paradigm that has strongly impacted on the development and delivery of services and treatment programmes; however it is not inclusive to all victim and perpetrator groups. The gendered viewpoint of the male abuser and female victim is critiqued by identifying gender differences in intimate partner abuse research, and the impact this has on male victims. A further critique challenges the dominant research trend that has favoured working with younger victims and perpetrators, with an analysis of the impact and issues for older adults and their help-seeking. Implications for practice are discussed. The lack of support services for male victims and older adults is identified, as well as the focus of treatment practice on the male abuser. Finally, an argument to support more vulnerable groups such as older men who are absent within intimate partner abuse literature and service development is presented
Original languageEnglish
JournalPartner Abuse
Issue number3
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jan 2019


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