Psychological interventions for maternal depression among women of African and Carribean origin: A systematic review

Dung Ezekiel Jidong, Nusrat Husain, Ayesha Roche , Grace Lourie, Tarela Ike, Maisha Mushred, Miriam S. Park, Haruna Karrick, Zubairu K. Dagona, Juliet Y Pwajok, Anil Gumber , Christopher Francis , Pam P. Nyam, Shadrack B Mwankon

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Maternal depression is a leading cause of disease burden for women worldwide; however, there are ethnic inequalities in access to psychological interventions in high-income countries (HICs). Culturally appropriate interventions might prove beneficial for African and Caribbean women living in HICs as ethnic minorities.

The review strategy was formulated using the PICo (Population, phenomenon of Interest, and Context) framework with Boolean operators (AND/OR/NOT) to ensure rigour in the use of search terms (“postpartum depression”, “maternal depression”, “postnatal depression”, “perinatal depression” “mental health”, “psychotherapy” “intervention”, “treatment”, “black Caribbean”, “black African”, “mothers” and “women”). Five databases, including Scopus, PsycINFO, Applied Social Science Index and Abstracts (ASSIA), ProQuest Central and Web of Science, were searched for published articles between 2000 and July 2020. 13 studies met the inclusion criteria, and the relevant data extracted were synthesised and thematically analysed.

Data syntheses and analyses of included studies produced four themes, including (1) enhance parenting confidence and self-care; (2) effective mother–child interpersonal relationship; (3) culturally appropriate maternal care; and (4) internet-mediated care for maternal depression.

In the quest to address maternal mental health disparities among mothers of African and Caribbean origin in HICs, the authors recommend culturally adapted psychological interventions to be tested in randomised control trials.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages14
JournalBMC Women's Health
Issue number83
Publication statusPublished - 26 Feb 2021


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