Reading between the lines: The consequences of performativity for the professional development of educators in schools in England

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Focus This paper considers the findings of research funded by ‘Innovate UK’ on the organisational culture of schools in England, The consequences of ‘results driven’ targets for CPD are explored in developing a key theme of this year’s conference: the complexity of professional learning. Research approach/innovation The research comes from a mixed methods study (survey, focus-group and interview data). The research participants are head teachers and school business managers from primary and secondary schools in England. The presentation of key aspects of schools’ organisational culture in England in 2017 is innovative and original. Key findings and significance The findings reveal that an emphasis on ‘targets’ and ‘performance’ results in fewer opportunities to think about the curriculum and professional development in ways that are innovative and creative. The paper applies the work of Bernstein (2000), Gibb (1987) and Vermunt (2016) in exploring the consequences for professional development.  
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages27
Publication statusPublished - Nov 2017
EventInternational Professional Development Association (IPDA) Conference 2017 - The Vale Resort, The Vale of Glamorgan, United Kingdom
Duration: 24 Nov 201725 Nov 2017


ConferenceInternational Professional Development Association (IPDA) Conference 2017
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
CityThe Vale of Glamorgan
Internet address


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