Research, data collection and ethical issues: Lessons from hindsight

Sikiru Abiodun Ganiyu, Upkesha Madanayake

Research output: Contribution to conferencePaper


Research involves a systematic process of investigating a problem or phenomenon with a view of solving the problem or providing a new insight in the problem. The essence could be to describe, explain, predict, analyse, control or prescribe solutions to the problem. Whatever the goal of the research, there are expected processes to be followed for it to qualify as scientific research whose findings will be accepted. Typically of most PhD researches, a research student is expected to collect and analyse primary data in addition to the findings form the literature. The process of data collection, especially in social-sciences where the built environment arguably belongs, often involve interaction with people. In order to protect the fundamental right of the participants in research and ensure their anonymity, certain ethical guidelines and issues must be carefully considered before setting out for the data collection. The paper is aimed at creating awareness about these simple but delicate issues regarding ethical considerations during research. The authors drew on their personal experience, as PhD researchers, to create awareness about salient ethical issues regarding research data collection. The paper highlighted the process for a ‘scientific research’ and different types of data collection involving qualitative research. The paper discussed ethical issues related to data collection and concluded by signposting the likely ethical pitfalls and how to avoid while carrying out a research.
Original languageEnglish
Publication statusPublished - 22 Nov 2018
EventInternational Conference on Professionalism and Ethics in Construction - Keyworth Centre, London South Bank University, London, United Kingdom
Duration: 21 Nov 201822 Nov 2018


ConferenceInternational Conference on Professionalism and Ethics in Construction
Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom
Internet address


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