Review on the current state of developing of advanced creep damage constitutive equations for high chromium alloy

Li Li An, Qiang Xu, Donglai Xu, Zhong Yu Lu

Research output: Contribution to journalArticlepeer-review


This paper presents a review of developing of creep damage constitutive equations for high chromium alloy (such as P91 alloy). Firstly, it briefly introduces the background of creep damage for P91 materials. Then, it summarizes the typical creep damage constitutive equations developed and applied for P91 alloy, and the main deficiencies of KRH (Kachanov-Robatnov-Hayhurst) type and Xus type constitutive equations. Finally it suggests the directions for future work. This paper contributes to the knowledge for the developing creep damage constitutive equations for the specific material.
Original languageEnglish
Pages (from-to)776-780
JournalAdvanced Materials Research
Publication statusPublished - 2012
Event2nd International Conference on Machinery, Materials Science and Engineering Applications - Wuhan, China
Duration: 16 Jun 201217 Jun 2012
Conference number: 2


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