Save the park, punish the traitors: Games as Historical Documents

Tonguc Sezen, Digdem Sezen

Research output: Contribution to conferenceAbstractpeer-review


In this paper we discuss the possible use of video games on current events as
historical documents. The literature on current event games reveals the importance of timelines and temporariness in their nature and the literature on games about historical events and periods is mainly concerned how games represent the past. We question how timely games may be seen by future players and what they may reveal about the period in which they were produced. In this regard we did a comparative analysis of video games developed during the Gezi Park protest in 2013 and after the Coup attempt in 2016 in Turkey. We argue that these games not only individually represent their creators’ perception and thoughts on these events but also cumulatively reflect the social and political conditions in which they were produced; akin to historical political cartoons and opinion pieces reflecting the zeitgeist of their time of production; thus, may be seen as historical documents.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages3
Publication statusPublished - Jul 2018
EventDiGRA 2018 Conference of the Digital Games Research Association: The Game is the Message - Università di Torino, Turin, Italy
Duration: 25 Jul 201828 Jul 2018


ConferenceDiGRA 2018 Conference of the Digital Games Research Association
Abbreviated titleDiGRA
Internet address


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