Security Programming with High-Level Abstractions: a Tutorial (Extended Abstract)

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    The specication of security protocols with high-level programming abstractions,
    suited for security analysis and verification, has been advocated by the formal methods for security research community. Based on these principles of application design, we developed a tutorial to introduce undergraduate
    students to the foundations of security programming.
    The main pedagogical goal of this tutorial is to teach, in a simple and effective
    way, how to build secure distributed applications using common cryptographic
    primitives abstracting from their low-level details.
    The tutorial is aimed at helping the students to grasp quickly the main security
    concepts and to apply them effectively to the coding of distributed programs
    implementing security properties like authentication and secrecy.
    As programming is one of the main skills required by the cybersecurity
    industry, we believe that this tutorial can contribute to the professional development of future graduates.
    Original languageEnglish
    Number of pages5
    Publication statusPublished - 2016
    EventHEA National Conference on Learning and Teaching in Cybersecurity 2016 - Birmingham, United Kingdom
    Duration: 15 Jun 201615 Jun 2016


    ConferenceHEA National Conference on Learning and Teaching in Cybersecurity 2016
    Country/TerritoryUnited Kingdom


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