Socio-Temporal Dynamics and Spatial Scales for Future Home Energy Transitions and Crisis Planning – UK insights

Sonja Dragojlovic-Oliveira, Faezeh Bagheri-Moghaddam, Anna Chatzimichali, Lidia Badarnah, Ed Atkins

Research output: Working paperPreprint


Planning for future equitable home energy transitions and electrification is dependent onmultidimensional technical, social, temporal, and spatial insights. Despite growing calls to integratesocial, spatial, and temporal insights, most studies have either overlooked these dimensions orexamined them mostly from the perspective of social acceptance. The purpose of this paper is todiscuss the role of social identities in shaping collective energy behaviours and temporal rhythms inthe home and the consequences this may have on future electrification, flexible demand, energytransition and crisis planning. This research work draws on mixed methods using diverse data includingsurveys, photos, and interviews with residents in Glasgow and Bristol, UK. The research reveals thatsocial identities shape energy use temporal rhythms – either in regular or irregular patterns over time.These socio-temporal rhythms have diverse consequences for demand flexibility and crisis planningto provide a responsive and dynamic evidence-based approach. This work offers a novel socio-temporal and spatial approach that could be used by local government, the housing sector, and energyproviders in planning targeted collective responses to anticipated frequent energy crises and peakload events. There are also benefits to academics in offering a new conceptual lens by combining social practice, identity, and rhythm analysis for the study of energy transitions and crisis phenomena.
Original languageEnglish
Number of pages23
Publication statusPublished - 6 Mar 2024

Publication series

NameSSRN Electronic Journal
ISSN (Print)1556-5068


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